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Collie, Joanne and Ladousse, Gillian P. (1991) Paths into Poetry, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Cotrim, Ana (org.) (1995), Educação Intercultural: Abordagens e Perspectivas, Lisboa, Secretariado Entreculturas.
Council of Europe (1997), Language Learning for European Citizenship: Final Report (1989-1996), Estrasburgo, Council of Europe.
Crick, Bernard (coord.) (1998), Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools, Londres, The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
Freire, Paulo (1982), Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
Giroux, Henri A. (1997), Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope. Theory, Culture and Schooling, Oxford, Westview Press.
Guilherme, Manuela (2001), “The Critical Study of a Foreign Culture and Citizenship Education”, in Anglo-Saxónica, Lisboa, Colibri, pp. 265-274.
Hones, Donald F. (1999), “U.S. Justice? Critical Pedagogy and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal”, Tesol Journal, Winter, pp. 27-33.
Landrum, David (2000), “The Historical Development of the Theory and Practice of Citizenship and Citizenship Education: Classical Ideals to Contemporary Issues”, Citizenship, Young People and Participation: Making Connections?, www.mmu.ac.uk/c-a/edu/research/citizen/pp30-54.doc, pp. 30-54 (data de acesso: 19 de Fevereiro de 2003).
Legutke, M. and Thomas, H. (1991), Process and Experience in the Language Classroom, Essex, Longman.
McRae, John and Pantaleoni, Luisa (1992), Chapter and Verse. An Interactive Approach to Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Miranda, Filipa (2004), Educação Intercultural e Formação de Professores, Porto, Porto Editora.
Nunan, David (1989), Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Ichilov, Orit (ed.) (1998), Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Changing World, Londres e Portland, The Woburn Press.
Pearce, N. and Hallgarten, J. (eds.) (2000), Tomorrow's Citizens: Critical Debates in Citizenship and Education, Londres, Institute for Public Policy Research.
Pennycock, Alastair (1999), “Introduction: Critical Approaches to TESOL”, TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3, Autumn, pp, 329-348.
Pinto, Alexandre Dias e Pinto, Carlota Miranda Dias Pinto (2003), “What a tangled web we should weave: Teaching English, promoting critical awareness and using art in EFL classes”, Developing Teacher, www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/ artpf_alexcarlota.htm, (data de afixação: 7 de Abril de 2003).
Robinson, Ken (1992), “Developing the Arts in Schools”, in ACARTE, Educação pela Arte: Pensar o Futuro, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 27-37.
Programa de Alemão, 10º, 11º e 12º anos (1995), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Programa de Inglês, 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1997), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Programa de Português, Ensino Secundário (1997), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Skehan, P. (1996), “A Framework for the Implementation of Task-based Instruction”, Applied Linguistics, No. 17, pp. 38-62.
Widdowswon, H. G. (1983), Teaching Language as Communication, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Woodrow, Derek, G. Verma, M. Rocho-Trindade, G. Campani & C. Bagley (eds) (1997), Intercultural Education: Theories, Policies and Practice, Aldershot, Ashgate.
Cranmer, David (1995), “O Ensino do Inglês através da Música e da Pintura”, in Pires, Laura Bettencourt (ed.), Novas Metodologias no Ensino do Inglês, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, pp. 69-86.
Collie, Joanne and Ladousse, Gillian P. (1991) Paths into Poetry, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Cotrim, Ana (org.) (1995), Educação Intercultural: Abordagens e Perspectivas, Lisboa, Secretariado Entreculturas.
Council of Europe (1997), Language Learning for European Citizenship: Final Report (1989-1996), Estrasburgo, Council of Europe.
Crick, Bernard (coord.) (1998), Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools, Londres, The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
Freire, Paulo (1982), Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
Giroux, Henri A. (1997), Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope. Theory, Culture and Schooling, Oxford, Westview Press.
Guilherme, Manuela (2001), “The Critical Study of a Foreign Culture and Citizenship Education”, in Anglo-Saxónica, Lisboa, Colibri, pp. 265-274.
Hones, Donald F. (1999), “U.S. Justice? Critical Pedagogy and the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal”, Tesol Journal, Winter, pp. 27-33.
Landrum, David (2000), “The Historical Development of the Theory and Practice of Citizenship and Citizenship Education: Classical Ideals to Contemporary Issues”, Citizenship, Young People and Participation: Making Connections?, www.mmu.ac.uk/c-a/edu/research/citizen/pp30-54.doc, pp. 30-54 (data de acesso: 19 de Fevereiro de 2003).
Legutke, M. and Thomas, H. (1991), Process and Experience in the Language Classroom, Essex, Longman.
McRae, John and Pantaleoni, Luisa (1992), Chapter and Verse. An Interactive Approach to Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Miranda, Filipa (2004), Educação Intercultural e Formação de Professores, Porto, Porto Editora.
Nunan, David (1989), Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Ichilov, Orit (ed.) (1998), Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Changing World, Londres e Portland, The Woburn Press.
Pearce, N. and Hallgarten, J. (eds.) (2000), Tomorrow's Citizens: Critical Debates in Citizenship and Education, Londres, Institute for Public Policy Research.
Pennycock, Alastair (1999), “Introduction: Critical Approaches to TESOL”, TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3, Autumn, pp, 329-348.
Pinto, Alexandre Dias e Pinto, Carlota Miranda Dias Pinto (2003), “What a tangled web we should weave: Teaching English, promoting critical awareness and using art in EFL classes”, Developing Teacher, www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/ artpf_alexcarlota.htm, (data de afixação: 7 de Abril de 2003).
Robinson, Ken (1992), “Developing the Arts in Schools”, in ACARTE, Educação pela Arte: Pensar o Futuro, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 27-37.
Programa de Alemão, 10º, 11º e 12º anos (1995), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Programa de Inglês, 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1997), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Programa de Português, Ensino Secundário (1997), Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.
Skehan, P. (1996), “A Framework for the Implementation of Task-based Instruction”, Applied Linguistics, No. 17, pp. 38-62.
Widdowswon, H. G. (1983), Teaching Language as Communication, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Woodrow, Derek, G. Verma, M. Rocho-Trindade, G. Campani & C. Bagley (eds) (1997), Intercultural Education: Theories, Policies and Practice, Aldershot, Ashgate.
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